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Grey Day Night Blinds with Semi-Cassette in Southend

These beautiful Grey Day Night Roller Blinds have just been installed in Southend. The Blinds have a Semi Cassette which gives them that lovely finishing touch. Day Night blinds have the advantage of allowing light in whilst still protecting your privacy during the day and then at night they can be closed fully to give your room a cosy feel.
Grey Day Night Roller Blind with Semi Cassette
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‌ Our aim is to give people looking for fitted blinds in the locality the best possible service and after sales care together with an exceptional quality product at the absolute best prices available. Custom Fitted Blinds are an independent blinds company, we source our products from some of the UK’s best and biggest national companies to make sure our customers get the best window treatments on the market. If you’re looking for fitted blinds, please try our price estimator to give you a pre-appointment, ‘supplied and fitted’ quotation.‌

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